Project Description


Inspired by brutalist architecture in a Béton Brut aesthetic, the Struttura Dresser is encased in our proprietary Maykume (wood that resembles stone) material. This quiet yet austere piece is a stand alone in any room. Choose from an option of doors or drawers in Maykume, Traditional Wood, or Brass/Bronze.

Custom sizes, door, and drawer configurations available

Finish Options: CASE / DRAWER


Finish Options: Door | Traditional Wood

Blackened WalnutOiled WalnutBLEACHED WALNUTWhitewash MapleBlackened Quarter Sawn OakWhite OakOxidized MapleOxidized EucalyptusBlush

Finish Options: Door | Brass

Blackened BrassSmoky BrassSatin BrassAntique Brass